August 23, 2013 – Home – Last Entry

I’ve started this post a dozen times but it never sounded right.

The men folk are off at games day and my one goal today was to write this post. So as I ogle Patrick Swazye in Dirty Dancing, I will finish up.

We spent about 2 weeks at Harbour Town getting the boat put away. We got a lot of help from Ken and a lot of advice from Mark. We sailed with our friends and had a great time.

Henning picked up our “new to us” Road Trek camper van and we headed home in time to spend a couple days with Henning’s brother Thomas who was home from Squamish BC.

We were pampered for 10 days at the in-laws. My self-appointed job was 1 hour of weeding everyday. Erik got to join me with the weeding. It was a great time to decompress and relax.

We got back into the house on August 1. The house was cleaned by the husband, but it was ok. We have unpacked about 20% of our stuff and are in no hurry to unpack the rest.

Henning is enjoying back at work. He is starting on his ….hmmm can’t remember the name, opps.. Business analyst certification. I’ve been busy prepping for grade 12 English. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. I’ve mellowed a lot. Erik has been painting for our friend Stacey and was thrilled not only to get a pay cheque but a raise too.

Would I do it again?
No, not right now. I think it’s like childbirth… in a while I’ll forget the pain and bad stuff and might look forward to doing it again.

What did I learn?
25 ways to serve spam

A lot of simple appies

Dock tales!

A stranger is just a friend I haven’t met yet.

My boy is now a young man. (That’s a hard one!)

Our family may get grumpy being together 24/7 for 400 day….but we pull together in a crisis.

I have way more self confidence than when I left (I said I grew a set of kahonies, but Henning helped me rephrase that!) Henning asked for his old wife back. Nope, she’s gone.

Thank you for your emails and comments. They kept me sane.


New hair styles


Sailor girl is gone…not sure who is here now.

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June 30 part 2 pics

The horse had a mustache



One of the ferries that waked us

20130703-222328.jpggrand hotel

20130703-222408.jpgMannie is now radio officer

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June 30, 2013- pics

Images from mackinac





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July 1 and 2, 2013 – heading home

We left Mackinac and were planning to go only 10 miles, just to the other side of the bridge. Yeah right…..about 2 miles in Henning asked if any one would mind if we went a bit farther. So it was another 40 mile day. I think we stopped at High Island in a very beautiful anchorage. I’m not sure. I went to bed. .

July 1 Happy Canada Day!

Erik drove all day as the boat was wallowing and he couldn’t stay downstairs. Henning played computer games and I crocheted water molecules….yeah it’s been a long trip. Went to Detroit Harbour on Washington Island. We have been here before. Wahoo we are almost home.

July 2
We planned to go to Chambers Island and wash the waterline on the boat. Spiff it up a bit before we went to Harbour Town. Then a night in Fish Creek.

Well, it didn’t quite go right. It was cool and windy. No one wanted to go in the water. So we went to Fish Creek – only to find out there was no room in the marina and it was really rough on the wall. We had ice cream and left. We planned to just go home to Harbour town.

Well, it didn’t quite go right. We called Harbour Town and the dock and walls were all full. According to Nemo, the harbormaster, there was no where for us to raft up. Seriously??? So we went to the Menominee State marina, about 2 miles from Harbour Town. It was a nice place and had the nicest boaters’ lounge I’ve ever seen – tv, couches, kitchen, 4 bathroom/showers, meeting room – very new, very pretty.

Dave and Mary, our friends from Marinette, biked over and they bought us supper.

Life is good.

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July 3, 2013 – Homeward bound.

So the title is as far as Erik got. He is right. We were/are homeward bound. As of noon today the boat was up on the stands and we are living in a tree house again. It was very weird to look out the porthole on the boat and see grass and buildings.

We haven’t really decided what to do with the boat. For now, we will just winterize it and go home. That is a lot harder than it sounds. After a year on the boat, we have stuff – stuff to keep on the boat, stuff to take home, stuff to throw out, and stuff to find. Mostly I have stuff to clean and Henning has stuff to fix.

Erik and I packed up 3 boxes of stuff today – all the boxes we had – books, school stuff, a few shells. It is a bit overwhelming. Bought 4 more rough totes and will pack more tomorrow.

Dave and Mary have once again lent us a car. Life is a whole lot easier. The only one having a rough time adjusting is Mannie. He keeps circling on his leash and getting it caught in his fur. You would think he would stop when it started to hurt.

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June 28, 2013 – Hammond Bay – Safety First…

…but it still sucks!

The plan was to get up early and head to Mackinaw. The boat wouldn’t start – loose wire – easy (?) fix. By the time we got it fixed, the fog had rolled in….and it keeps getting thicker. It’s now 11:00 and we might just stay here another day.

It is much safer to be at anchor right now but we would rather be on our way. Mackinaw is the last major stop on our way home.

School should be over but we are not done social studies or literature. There were just too many days where something else was going on – traveling in rough weather or in port were the most common reasons. Occasionally the teacher just wasn’t up to it. Good thing Erik is bright.

From Erik….

Well it would appear that mom is especially lazy today as she would like me to write something for the blog.

So here goes nothing, I’ve been working hard on finishing up this years school work. Lately it’s been trying to learn how to write better essays, my problem is I’m always trying to make it sound good to myself, but when I do that it’s also very slow.

I must admit I’m missing home a lot as of late. The problem is I’ve started to talking to my friends at home, and it’s making me homesick. Luckily we’re almost finished our journey, only a few more days to go. Looking forward to seeing you all soon


The fog cleared by noon so we went to Mackinac.

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June 29 and 30, 2013 – Mackinac Island – Ooooh

Ooooooh – it’s magical – car free – bikes everywhere – kites too – says Henning

Ooooooh – horses – hmmm smells good – says Joanne (yes, odd ,but it reminds me of my childhood)

Ooooooh – wifi – I wonder if I can stay on the boat

Mackinac is a wonderful place and I want to return there next time we are on the boat. Before the trip, it seemed sooooo far from Marinette to Mackinac – 150 miles. Now it’s a couple of days – no big deal.

We got in on Friday around 6:00. It felt like a long day. The fog had cleared but it was misty most of the way to Mackinac. It was cold and not great visibility. It cleared up about a mile out. Just in time for us to see the €|€~ that were waking us. There are a lot of high speed ferries servicing Mackinac – 4 or 5 at least. I was leaning over the edge tying on a fender when a wake hit. I got soaked …..but didn’t drop the fender.

The marina is ok. The surroundings are very beautiful. The docks are fixed and it wasn’t easy to get on and off. The showers require you to press a button every 10 seconds to keep the water going. (Yes, I did time it.)

The town was pretty ……and pretty touristy. There was a fudge shop and t-shirt place on every block. The prices at restaurants were a bit expensive, but not near as bad as I expected.

The best part was the whole car free thing. Bikes everywhere – $5 an hour to rent. The island has the only 24 hour – 365 days a year, radio dispatch horse drawn taxi service. Most of the taxis and other wagons are drawn by Percheron draft horses. There were some smaller carriages drawn by saddle horses and a few people on horseback. (You could rent a horse for $40 an hour….hmmm next time I will) and there were a lot of guys with wheelbarrows or bikes with carts picking up after the horses. 8 to 10 thousand pounds of poop are produced each day, taken to the middle of the island and composted.

We took a guided carriage tour of the island. It was about 2 hours and at $24.50 per person, a good deal. We went around town and then we got a tour of the park that makes up 70% of the island. We learned a lot on the tour that we wouldn’t have otherwise.

When cars were first invented, a few were brought to the island but spooked the horses. The carriage people convinced city council to outlaw cars. Cars were allowed in the park for a couple of years but after a bad accident, they were outlawed there too. Since about 1900, the island has been car free. If you have a medical reason, you can get a motorized bike.

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June 26 and 27, 2013. – Pesque to Hammond Bay

We spent yesterday at the Pesque Isle Marina. It was ok but I wouldn’t bother stopping. The showers ran out of hot water-that about does it for me- and no wifi- annoyed the rest of the crew.

Erik and I spent the day cleaning the decks. We also shocked (bleached) the water tanks. The water out of the big tank was pretty stale so we treated them both.

The best thing about the marina was the deli across the road. It was well stocked and the people were nice.We got subs and a couple of movies.

We went to the restaurant next to the marina for wifi. It was way over priced and the appies were not that good. We weren’t even done and the waitress brought the bill. She made it pretty clear we were not welcome.

We are on the way to Hammond Bay. I’m not sure what is there. It’s just half way to Mackinaw. There is no wind so we are stuck motoring again. It is just a grey day.

I spent the morning cleaning out the foulie locker. I found stuff we got with the boat- some sort of safety harnesses. I don’t know what they are for so I just packed them away in the bottom again. I was mostly looking at what needs to go home and what can stay. Our good foul weather gear is really dirty ( and perhaps a bit mildewy) so it needs to get cleaned. I might just spend some quality time at a laundromat here and see if I can clean them.

Since I am writing about laundry, I seem to have nothing much to say.

170 miles to go.

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June 24 – Sailing Lake Huron

Well, here is a new one. Today you get a post from the captain. The admiral is sleeping as we are off on another over-nighter.

It is now just after 7pm and we are sailing our way north across Saginaw bay. The wind has finally picked up and we are happy to be sailing. We left this morning with plans to sail about 50 miles and were greeted by a beautiful beam reach which had us ghosting over a nearly flat lake at 6 knots. This was one of the best sails of the trip. It was at this point that we decided to just carry on and do an over-nighter. That decision was followed by a period of light winds that slowed us to 4 knots and progressed to a dead calm. We motored for a while then tried sailing again as we saw increasing winds. Then the wind died and we motored some more. Finally the expected winds came and we are now sailing well.

We are limping home with a bad propellor coupling, the fitting that joins the propellor shaft to the transmission. The shaft is held by three set screws and a key that aligns the shaft with the coupling. Unfortunately the previous owner had replaced the grub screws with three regular bolts. These do not hold properly and worse, when things slip and the key falls out it scores the shaft and wears the key. I had to purchase new key stock as the key was almost totally worn away. I have also purchased new bolts as the end of the bolts have worn away. Long and short, the shaft is now worn away, the key way is widened and rounded, and the bolts are being worn away.

When the shaft pulls out, we have been grateful that we have a zinc anode collar around the shaft which keeps the shaft from being pulled out of the boat totally. Zincs are supposed to corrode and wear away, like the anode in your water heater. Well that zinc has been there for a while and yesterday it gave way. The propellor shaft slipped out, far enough that I couldn’t pull it back into the boat. I had to have Erik jump in and push the shaft back. This was not good.

Last night I purchased a new zinc and installed it inside the boat as a safety collar. it will hit the stuffing box nut and prevent the ejection of the shaft. This morning I had a better idea and moved the collar close enough to the nut that the shaft can’t move back more then a few millimetres. I noticed that when motoring forward, the distance between zinc and stuffing box nut was about 10mm and when we stopped or sailed, the distance is more like 0 millimetres. Then motoring again the shaft moves back in to the 10mm point. That looked hopeful, if we can keep the key from falling out, we are much better off.

Or at least that was the plan. Somehow even with the collar holding things together, the key had still popped out. When we shut down the engine to start sailing, I guess the key slipped out. The problem now is that I couldn’t pull the shaft out to get the key in. Now I had to remove the zinc in order to pull things apart to put the key back. I put the zinc back on with much more clearance as I realized that if things pulled apart while sailing that we would have some trouble. Now I just need to slow the boat so that I can put the coupling together again. That will have to wait until tomorrow. I just hope the winds keep up over night.

We are making good progress on getting home and should have some time to slow down, relax, maybe swim, and just enjoy a few anchorages along the way. We have been pushing for a while now and we need to take some time to smell the roses.

I have enjoyed my admirals posts and her sense of humour. I thought I should give you an idea of what things would be like if the captain was blogging. Alas, I rarely have time to sit down and write. Tonight as I do my shift, as we begin our over night journey, I found the time.

We have taken an alternate route through the Great Lakes while the other loopers are doing the Trent-severan waterway. It has been a lonely time as we are no longer travelling with our looper friends and are instead on our own. Not that we need our buddy boats, but we miss having someone to share the journey with and to have cocktails with. Travelling the Great Lakes has been nice as we are feeling now like we are heading back to our home stomping grounds. The Michigan marinas are reminiscent of the ones back home in Green Bay.

We are just a short distance from home and are looking forward to crossing our wake in a few weeks, where we will haul out and begin fixing our coupling for good. I am hoping to get time to stop in Mackinac Island for a day or two. Mackinac Island is a place I have wanted to go to, for years. It is a small island where they have not allowed cars and so it has developed differently from the rest of America. They use bikes and horses instead. It interested my car-free city self.

After that a quick stop in some of our favourite places back in Wisconsin and then it is time to pack up the boat until we can return to it again. It likely won’t be for a while. I will miss her, but I won’t miss the problems, and I won’t miss trying to live without a car. It was hard provisioning without one, and harder still, trying to find stuff for the boat. Odd that most west marine stores are miles from the water.

We look forward to returning to our lives, our friends and our jobs. We are not the same people who left; This trip has changed us. We are still struggling with describing the changes. We have all become more social. Striking up a conversation with a stranger is now something we do regularly. strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet. I hope that we carry that on when we are back in our land-life. We have learned to be more spontaneous, allowing things to unfold rather then always being in control. We have learned perspective and the difference between a life threatening event and an event which is just stressful or important. We know that we can face adversity and endure discomfort to bring us safely to our next port. We know that setting off each day into the unknown is not only a bit scary, but how you get to experience adventures. We have learned to rely on our friends and family for advise, help and support. We have made so many friends from all over, and we hope to visit with them at some point in the future.

Finally, a motivational speech: Whatever you decide to do, you have already done the hard work, you have decided. The rest is just following through.


This morning we are at south presque island and I have just plotted the last 210 miles of our trip back to Marinette. Yippee

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June 24 and 25, 2013 – Port Salinac to Presque Isle Harbour – A Plague of (almost) Biblical Proportions

Help all ye who live in Michigan, Ontario, near the water; and ye biology boy and girl (you know who you are)…

We were sailing. It was beautiful. It was quiet. The sun was even shining. Then the wind died down a bit, and it got a bit buggy. We tried going farther off shore, but there wasn’t much difference.

And then there was no wind…..

We were invaded by flies of all sorts – little fruit flies- so many their bodies formed drifts on the deck; fish flies – looked like mosquitoes but don’t bite; black house flies, nasty bitting flies – drew blood; big horse flies and assorted other bugs.

It looked like those old Off commercials where the guy put his arm in a container full of mosquitoes.

It was like a snowstorm but it was bugs.

It was nasty!

We were trying to sail for the day and were prepared to wait for winds but Henning had to start the boat and get moving or we would have gone crazy.

What the heck was that all about? Is there a curse on our boat? Is it just that time of year?

We closed up the boat and started swatting, and swatting, and swatting some more.


No one slept very well. We got into False Pesque Harbour around 7:30. (116 miles done 210 miles to go). I had the most sleep, so I sat up and killed flies as Henning got some shut eye. He seems to taste better (to the flies) than anyone else on the boat.

In the afternoon we moved over to Pesque Harbour, about 6 miles. We are going to go into the marina tomorrow as the wind is from the north and we need to clean the boat. The fruit flies died everywhere. The big foresail is now speckled. ICK. Erik wants to take a hose up in the bosun’s chair and “make it rain”. Sounds delightful. I want, no NEED a hose to get stuff cleaned.

I can’t remember the last time risk and I did a full – move everything, scrub everywhere – cleaning. It must have been the last time the two us us were in the dog house.

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